Virginia DECA is authorized by DECA Inc. to administer programs and services within the state. Virginia DECA implements programs and services for chapters within the chartered association that support the mission of DECA and serves as a liaison between local chapters and DECA Inc. Contact stateadvisor@vadeca.org for more information about state and local membership requirements, conferences, competitive events and programs.

DECA's Mission Statement
DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe.

DECA's Guiding Principles
VA DECA Members Benefit from the DECA Experience

As of July 1, 2024 Virginia SB 707 became law. More information will be available on VA's DECA compliance with SB 707 soon.
Membership Dues:
$15 ($8 DECA + $7 VA DECA) | Students, Alumni, Advisors, and Professional Members
Minimum Chapter Requirements
10 Student Members + Advisor(s)
Starting A Chapter In Virginia:
1. Potential Chapter Advisors request a chapter here https://membership.decaregistration.com/deca#
2. Chapter qualifications are reviewed by the VA DECA office in partnership with the VA DECA Board of Trustees.
3. Chapters are notified of approval status.
4. Approved chapters may begin recruiting and entering members upon approval.
VA DECA Membership Guidelines